Oct 27, 2021
Blake Novy, MD and Fernando Espi Forcen, MD, currently an attending psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital, discuss the horror genre, the allure of scary movies, and the psychologic role of fear. Dr. Forcen wrote the book "Monsters, Demons and Psychopaths: Psychiatry and Horror Films," and talks about...
Sep 14, 2021
Nicole Kloosterman MS4, Barrington Hwang, MD, y Andrea Mendiola, MD, profesora asistente de psiquiatría en Yale, conversan sobre la cultura de la comunidad hispana y su relación con la salud mental. Específicamente, la doctora Mendiola describe su camino para llegar a la especialidad de psiquiatría, el Hispanic...
Sep 14, 2021
Nicole Kloosterman, MS4, Barrington Hwang, MD, and Andrea Mendiola, MD, currently an assistant professor of psychiatry at Yale, discuss culture in the Latino community and its intersection with mental health. Dr. Mendiola specifically discusses her path to psychiatry, the Hispanic Psychiatry Fellowship and...
Aug 23, 2021
粵語 – Alice Liao, Barrington Hwang (黃品傑) MD, Bushra Rahman VMSIII, Eunice Yuen MD PhD (袁月敏) 從AAPI 心理健康的視角討論最近事件, 袁醫生的CHATogether 計劃(www.chatogether.org), 與其他心理健康資源。因為英文,國語,粵語 版本因翻譯原因略有不同. 感謝...
Aug 23, 2021
国语 – Frank Qi (祁忻), Barrington Hwang (黄品杰) MD, Bushra Rahman VMSIII, Eunice Yuen MD PhD (袁月敏) 从AAPI 心理健康的视角讨论最近事件, 袁医生的CHATogether 计划(www.chatogether.org), 与其他心理健康资源。因为英文,国语,粤语 版本因翻译原因略有不同. 感谢...